The ability to extend BTrace with plugins to overcome the limits imposed by its safety guarantees while still not allowing to inject any arbitrary code was requested a long time ago and is tracked as BTRACE-64
Solution, round 1
The first attempt to address this problem brought many problems that were supposed to be solved by a more-or-less complete engine rewrite in BTrace 2.0. In order to make the system really extensible the modularity was baked-in to all its parts - it was possible to even extend the internal communication protocol with custom messages.
All of this came at a price, though. It was paid by extra nano- and micro-seconds spent in the BTrace runtime jumping through all those indirection levels.
Despite the availability of the BTrace 2.0 Preview builds for quite a long time there was almost no reaction from the community. This would indicate that the “rewrite from scratch” approach is a deal-breaker for the majority of the users.
Rewind, Round 2
Instead of rewriting the engine from scratch it seems to be possible to go the way of gradual changes and improvements.
The main goal is to allow the users to write application specific extensions for BTrace which can be easily used just by having them on the classpath.
Eg. the following invocation will allow to use any BTrace extensions available in the path_to_my_extension.jar archive. A class is considered to be an extension if it extends a BTrace extension base class (eg. com.sun.btrace.services.spi.SimpleService)
How to Use
The following command would instruct BTrace to pickup the extensions jar.
btrace -cp ...:<path_to_my_extension.jar> <pid> <tracing script>
In order to use an extension one would do
public static void handler(...) {
// the following statement will inject the runtime
// aware service "Printer"
@Injected Printer p = Service.runtime(Printer.class);
As one can see it is not that different to what one was used to do before.
Why All This Fuzz
DSL(?) Mess Cleanup
Let’s face it. BTraceUtils is a dump right now. It contains any and all functions one might think as being useful when writing BTrace scripts. As the result it is rather difficult to locate the method one actually wants to use.
The extensions will allow for off-loading specific features of BTraceUtils leaving there only methods comprising the actual DSL (well, I might even rename the class to something more meaningful)
Integration with External Systems
Right now BTrace is pretty limited in how it can export the collected data - it can either write it to file or stdout. While this is sufficient for one-off scripts it is not the first choice when one wants to include BTrace in more complex systems (eg. acting as a data provider for Riemann).
This implementation, in addition to not causing any performance regression, can even provide slight improvements for the runtime aware services like Printer. Each invocation of print/println will use the cached runtime as opposed to looking it up when using BTraceUtils (not using services).